Clinical Studies For Children Are Gaining Popularity Among Parents

Clinical studies for children are becoming more popular as more research and results are showing promise in the treatment of childhood disorders. If your child suffers from any kind of disease or condition, from cancer to asthma, you understand the struggle to find the right treatment with the least side effects. This is exactly why […]
What Can A Parent Do When Their Child Suffers From ADHD?

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, you’re likely feeling a little overwhelmed with all the information out there. You’re desperately trying to figure out what to do to help your child cope with his or her condition. ADHA, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a complex disorder that can affect everything from how […]
What Do You Do When Your Child Suffers From Low Iron?

Low iron in children can be relatively common, however, parents are usually alarmed when they get the diagnosis and frantically search for what to do when their child suffers from low iron. In this article we’ll cover what low iron means, what the symptoms are, and what you can do if your child suffers from […]
Research Studies for Kids Gain Mainstream Approval

Research studies for kids has long been a controversial topic, however, it is starting to gain mainstream approval thanks to the many benefits that are being highlighted. When it comes to research studies for children specific diseases and aliments, many parents want to know if participating in the study will help THEIR child. It is […]
Research Studies Underway for Kids with Low Iron

Low iron is a fairly common childhood condition that can affect children of all ages. Researchers are working to gain more insight into what causes low iron in kids, how to prevent it and how to treat it. As we look to understand more about this condition, research studies are underway for kids with low […]
How to tell if your child suffers from low iron

Children and adults alike need iron in order to stay strong and healthy. Iron helps red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body. It also plays a vital role in both brain and muscle function. Low iron, or a lack of iron, in the blood can lead to iron-deficiency anemia which is a common […]