How Miami Clinical Research is Optimizing Clinical Development Despite the Decrease in Patient Enrollment Nationwide
The recent news of a decrease in patient enrollment for clinical trials in the nation has raised many questions as to why this is occurring and how Miami Clinical Research is combating the issue. There is no simple answer to the decrease in patient enrollment, however, Miami Clinical Research has strategies in place to optimize […]
Exploring the Latest Advances in Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials and Medical Research
At Miami Clinical Research, we understand that the pharmaceutical industry is ever-evolving. To stay ahead of the curve, we are dedicated to staying apprised of the latest advancements in clinical trials and medical research. Here are some of the exciting things happening in the pharmaceutical industry that we’re keeping an eye on. Artificial Intelligence […]
Miami Clinical Research is Partnering with Major Pharmaceutical Companies to advance Flu Treatment & Covid-19 Studies
At Miami Clinical Research, we understand the need for pharmaceutical companies to partner with reliable and experienced clinical research organizations in order to advance flu treatment and Covid-19 studies. Our team of experienced professionals are committed to providing the highest quality of clinical research services and are proud to be partnering with major pharmaceutical companies […]
Maximizing the Success of Clinical Trials: Best Strategies for Finding the Right Site
As a large pharmaceutical company, ensuring the success of your clinical trials is essential to the success of your business. With the right site selection and careful medical research, your clinical trials can be a success. In this blog, we discuss the best strategies for selecting the right clinical trial sites, and how wrong site […]
5 Critical Steps for Pharmaceutical Companies to Enhance Site Selection for Clinical Trials
Recent trends in medical research and clinical trials have highlighted the importance of selecting the right site for drug development. Pharmaceutical companies must ensure that the sites they select have the right capabilities, resources, and infrastructure to support their research objectives. In order to ensure the success of their clinical trials, it is essential that […]
Unlocking the Keys to Success: What Gives Miami Clinical Research a High Success Rate When Enrolling for Clinical Trials
At Miami Clinical Research, we understand that enrolling patients in clinical trials is a complex process. However, our success rate when enrolling for clinical trials is among the highest in the industry. So, what gives us our high success rate? For starters, our staff of experienced clinical research professionals is well-trained and highly knowledgeable […]
Miami Clinical Research Expands in 2022-23: New Diagnostic and Imaging Center and PB&C Lab
At Miami Clinical Research, we are excited to announce the launch of our 2022-23 Expansion Project. This project includes the addition of a complete diagnostic and imaging center and a PB&C (pharmaceuticals, biologics, and chemicals) lab to our existing clinical trials and medical research facilities. The new diagnostic and imaging center will provide a […]
Optimizing Your Clinical Trial Sites: Tips for Clinical Research Organizations on Selecting the Right Locations
As a clinical research organization (CRO), you know the importance of choosing the right sites for your clinical trials. The success of your trials depends on your ability to select suitable locations that are well-suited to your study objectives. Pharmaceutical companies must consider a variety of factors when choosing the right sites for their clinical […]
Unlock the Potential of New Medications with Miami Clinical Research: The Top 5 Reasons for Pharmaceutical Companies to Choose Us
As a leading clinical research provider, Miami Clinical Research is committed to helping pharmaceutical companies bring their life saving medications to market. With expedited contracting for immediate start-ups, credible data analytics and software technology, highly trained and certified CRAs, a top ranking research site, and high subject enrollment and retention, we provide the best clinical […]
Miami Clinical Research Leads the Nation in ADHD Clinical Studies for Adolescents
As clinical research organizations continue to strive for better insight and improved treatments for medical conditions, it is essential to have access to the most up-to-date and reliable clinical research centers. Miami Clinical Research is one of the leading clinical research centers in the United States and has been recognized as the top enrolling clinical […]