Collaborative Pharmaceutical Innovation at Miami Clinical Research

State-of-the-Art Research with Miami Clinical Research

Pharmaceutical progress is a continuous journey. Every day, scientists, doctors, and corporate pharmaceuticals work tirelessly to create new treatments and improve existing ones. However, this journey is far from being solitary. To achieve significant results and make drugs available to patients more quickly, the partnership between large-scale pharmaceutical companies and specialized clinical research centers is essential. In this context, Miami Clinical Research stands out as a full-service clinical research center dedicated to facilitating this process for corporate pharmaceutical firms.

At Miami Clinical Research, our primary goal is to help companies optimize clinical development protocols to introduce new medications swiftly and safely. Carrying the underlying principle of adding more years to human lives and enhancing their quality — new treatments developed here aim to make people healthier, more active, and lead a more fulfilling life. As a leader in clinical trials and medical research, we ensure that the flexibility in our operations aligns with the stringent timescales and regulatory strategies set by our partner firms.

Under the expert leadership of Dr. Keila Hoover, a Board Certified Family Medicine specialist, our company is home to professionals committed to improving health and wellness through rigorous medical research. We are a collection of healthcare professionals with the same vision – promoting improved solutions for a healthier society. Our team breaks the borders of conventional methods, employing innovative techniques for reliable and effective solutions without compromising the subsequent safety protocols.

Our mission transcends the boundaries of clinical research and medicine. We are deeply committed to elevating healthcare standards and furthering community service. We strive diligently to uphold high standards in our clinical research and empower our staff, sponsors, participants, and patients through this process.

At Miami Clinical Research, we not only aim to provide the best healthcare to every participant but also conduct our clinical research protocols carefully, thoroughly, and accurately. This utmost attention to detail allows us to generate credible, defensible data for our partners. Every trial run, every test conducted, and every result procured ensures we add another brick to the wall of medical progress.

As we continue to empower pharmaceutical progress, partnerships with corporate pharmaceutical companies are paramount. United we progress, exponentially expanding the realm of what medicine can achieve. The journey of pharmaceutical growth is challenging, but by collaborating with us, rest assured, you are locking arms with a team devoted to making a positive impact on human lives. 

At Miami Clinical Research, we are dedicated to bringing the latest pharmaceutical studies to life with the help of our state-of-the-art equipment and technology. Our cutting-edge facilities and reliable services provide Sponsors with the confidence and assurance that their research studies are being conducted at a “Top 10 Clinical Research Provider.” To learn more, call 305-433-6496 or email us at